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PolyCrisis/MetaCrisis (Questions and Answers)

A.k.a., The crises of the market-State.

In the early 21st century, there are various complex and intersecting crises impacting human life and ecological services. Together, these crises are known by two common names, the Metacrisis and the Polycrisis.

1. How do we create a world that is antifragile factoring increasingly decentralized exponential technologies?

We reconfigure society into one most representational of community. All societies reconfigure themselves based on the information and materials available. All complex technological societies use socio-technical standards to safely, effectively, and with certainty/confidence reconfigure themselves. The Project proposes a new configuration of society oriented specifically toward community. The Project proposes a new configuration of society directed toward community and documented on our website and in a set of unified and comprehensive socio-technical standards.  The Project produces a highly researched and detailed set of unified and comprehensive socio-technical standards to construct, transition to, and operate community at the societal scale. This set of standards (actually, one unified standard) describes and explains the need of a community-type configuration of society where human needs are globally met and the ecology may be gradually restored. We have designed the concept of operation of such a society, through first understanding that every type of society may be separated at a core level into a set of fundamental systems. Every type of society may be separated at an axiomatic level into a set of axiomatic sub-systems. This Project has been 10 years in the making and contains a significant amount research and data behind it. It is always good to connect with others who understand the crises present in our world and seek workable solutions.

2. What would it take to achieve effective global coordination such that humanity could do both long range comprehensive planning and factor new information with fast processing cycles?

  1. Transitioning to global coordination of optimal human fulfillment will take a common information socio-technical standard, developed and maintained by informational working groups, directed by human intelligence and need fulfillment, oriented by community values, and approached via science. It takes access to common heritage resources in the context of human [labor] contribution and accountability to habitat service teams where resources are configured into needed services and goods, localized to [local] habitats, [local] habitat regions, and the [global] habitat network.
  2. Transitioning to global coordination of optimal human fulfillment will take the development of a specification [standard] for the concept and operation of community:
    1. A unified, community-based real-world information systems model and standard (a project to develop and maintain socio-technical standards).
    2. A unified, community-based network of habitat service systems (a project to develop and maintain socio-technical habitats).
  3. Transitioning to global coordination of optimal human fulfillment will take the development of a specification [standard] for the concept and operation of community:
    1. A transition planned project to transition from the market-State to community via State-commerce and public-social education must be developed and executed as a series of project lists.
  4. A transition planned project to transition from the market-State to community requires the construction of new material environmental configurations representative of community values/objects, organizing populations of people into a network of localized (and customized) integrated habitat service systems (a.k.a., total city systems).
  5. A transition planned project to transition to and operate community requires a population educated on community standards, and hence, a curriculum for learners to become educated on society [phenomena], and on community [standards], and thereafter, become valuable contributing and leisuring members of society (as community.

3. With the first fully globalized civilization, how do we avoid the collapse fate that has befallen all previous civilizations? 

  1. The societal system’s standardized design must have memory, feedback, human needs, appropriate resources, and project coordination as accountable pre-requisite factors. The socio-technical system must therein be [self-]adaptive new information and material changes. In concern to feedback, it must have second-order [cybernetic] control (a.k.a., adaptive control, recursive control). These terms all refer to the element of a control systems that has an evolving/learning nature, where not only the primary controlled variable is monitored and adjusted, but also the control system’s own parameters are under feedback (new data integration), and are adjusted.
  2. The public, States, and employers need to be appropriately educated so that they do not think this information is attacking them.
  3. The socio-technical standards for community are developed by individuals and artificially intelligent agents that reveal their biases and collaborate to create, maintain, and remove articles in the community’s integrated and unified information system standard.
  4. The decision system working groups develop, maintain, and remove master plans, manuals and procedures for community informational [standards] development and material [habitat] operations.
  5. The habitat service teams construct and operate physical habitat services that users access societal [user] services (and goods) via a horizontally distributed (as in, distributed justice) common and/or personal access-granting identifier set/structure. Wherein, the habitat service team members access societal [work] services (and tools) via a hierarchically-structured access-granting identifier set/structure.
  6. When there is harm observed in the system, there is a system where well-being is restored to individuals to whom which harm has been done. Herein, ‘crime’ is seen as a medical and structural societal issue, and not as a punishment-oriented task. In a community-type configuration of society, and in community cities, there are no “police” per their construct in the market-State (to protect persons and property), but there are medically trained personnel as members of the [life-support] Medical InterSystem Team, who respond to cases of violation of the community standards (Read: “legal” code), and are trained to handle and resolve these issues, including situations that require the de-escalation of violence.
  7. In a community-type society, the law is based on science, which informs a coherent socio-technical standard, that itself informs the population on what is and what is not possible, as well as informs contributors on what constructions and operations are most likely to produce optimized and global human need fulfillment.

4. How do we do adequate safety analysis on radically unprecedented, complex, and consequential technologies like artificial intelligence and synthetic biology? Moreover, how do we bind the development of these technologies to those safety analyses and ensure that they are neither weaponized nor deployed negligently?

    1. We use science to inform standards, we add intelligence to inform master plans, we add intrinsic motivation to inform habitat services.
    2. We develop socio-technical services objects (technology) with a standardized community approach (science), orientation (common values/objectives), direction (human need and ecological restoration), and decision system.
    3. We operate community-based socio-technical services within which safe and flourishing actions, behaviors, habits, and lifestyles are most likely to emerge. There is insight in the phrase, “We build the system and the system builds us.”
    4. The most safe behaviors are done by those who value their lives and the lives of others in community.

5. How would we (humanity) best:

  1. Identify and internalize externalities in the decision making process?
    1. Technically, there are not externalities in community as there are things that are external and not accounted for in the market-State. In decisioning in community, issues that require common heritage resources to be resolved are accounted for in a collective (common) decision system that collects and analyzes information in order to arrive at optimal solutions/decisions. Every context-based issue opens an appropriate decision space where a set of parallel inquiries (decision working groups) collect and analyze information in order to state certainly that the solution will safely fulfill the requirements of the issue. Of note, a community standard includes a decision system sub-standard, explicitly, necessarily.
  2. Identify and remove perverse economic interests systemically? Identify and remove (the basis for) corruption, without debasing creative agency?
    1. Community standards integrate information systematically and scientifically in order to identify “perverse” and biased interests and specifically design informational and material environments where those “perverse” (bad) interests are not likely to emerge, and the bad signals/incentives are not present to trigger bad behavior. Creative agency is preserved by accounting for it as a human need at the education-level (with the presence of intrinsic motivation), the contribution-level (with the presence of intrinsic motivation), the leisure-level (with the presence of intrinsic motivation), and at the habitat-level (with the presence of exploratory service support systems). Effectively, there is no solution until the root problems are resolved through community standards, a community socio-technical education, and scientifically informed habitat service engineering. Where there is still challenge, there is not the debasing of creative agency.

6. Bind predative power asymmetries where said asymmetries tend to confer the power to protect and advance themselves?

In the market-State, the State oversees and has a monopoly on force, violence and coercion, and is a power asymmetry. In a competitive ownership environment, this power [asymmetry] will be used by some [to protect themselves and advance themselves and their property] over others. In other words, under the condition of property competition, the [political] State power monopoly will be used by some to benefit themselves over others. Conversely, community is a global cooperative that uses common heritage resources to create and operate a human and ecological fulfillment platform to meet human needs and regenerate the ecology. Community is a system that accounts for both the individual and the social in all significant decisioning; it uses a “user and participating contributor” model (a team-based model), versus an “employer, employee, consumer” (a trade-based) model. In the market-State, the law and legal policy binds all behaviors. During transition, the law and legal policy may be adapted so that resources and people flow into a community-type configuration of society (and out of a market-State configuration).

7. Account for types of value that are real but aren’t quantifiable, extractable, and exchangeable, in relationship to the types of value that are…factoring the relative power conferred by the latter type?

Human needs are real. Values (a.k.a., objectives) are orienting conceptual statements that may or may not direct decisions and actions toward the real fulfillment of human needs. An approach is a set of selected methods (a methodology) that inform ow real-human needs are most optimally met. Human needs become requirements in a decision system that accounts for all appropriately available information, and thereupon, resolves (solves for) the next operation of the socio-technical habitat where humans live throughout their four common life phases (i.e., nurturing, education, contribution, and leisure).

8. How can we change the topology of incentive landscapes in the direction towards long term life enhancement?

In the market-State, the reward/incentive landscape must be identified, as it must be so identified in community. In the market-State, the rewards/incentives are: property (a.k.a., traded account of money and physical objects), and power-over-others (a.k.a., employer authority). In community, the incentive is individual[-intrinsic] fulfillment and social[-intrinsic] contribution to the fulfillment of others. A project transition plan, informed by a complete understanding of a community-type society and a market-State type society is required, whereupon a transition project plan may be constructed and executed as a series of lists to create new socio-technical environments and transition people and resources from the old to the updated and new community-type societal configuration.

9. How do we close the niches for predatory behavior?

We create environments where humans actually have their needs met and restorative justice practices are activated where harm is/has occurred to individuals and groups of individuals.

10. How can we better bind wisdom and influence?

All complex societies rely on socio-technical standards to guide their decisions, actions, and behaviors. It is in knowing how to create and to use these socio-technical standards that a better world of higher potentials of fulfillment is most likely to emerge.

11. What are effective types of immune systems for corruption in governance systems? How can we develop processes for collective intelligence that get smarter per capita with scale?

  1. An educated population (as educated on community standards). Community-based education processes must be developed and used in education.
  2. Open source (transparent) information and habitat service systems operated as transparent project for the users’ benefit. Open-source licensing processes must be developed and used in agreement/legal structures.
  3. Contribution over employment procedures, metrics, and motivations are present in the context of all labor (all “jobs”). Here, when moving from the market-State to community, there is a transitioning away from all forms of trade (financial current-type and material object-type] of property. Contribution processes must be developed, transitioned to, and used to coordinate all informational [working group] and habitational [habitat] teams.
  4. Error-correction code in the context of all software.
  5. A decision system with an safety inquiry to remove the further dedication of resources to issues that are certainly dangerous.

12. How do we comprehensively disincentivize misinformation and harm to the information ecology and epistemic commons? How do we develop authentic virtue in people while disincentivizing virtue signaling? 

By providing people with structured human need fulfillment, viewing all resources as the common heritage of all people, and allowing people to contribute to a coordinated contribution service that seeks global human need fulfillment and ecological restoration. If society, based on socio-technical standards informed by the science of human need fulfillment and ecological regeneration, treats people fairly and with “authentic virtue”, then people will behave to themselves and with others fairly and with “authentic virtue”.

13. Immediately, how do we make it through an increasingly multi-polar world, caught in economic extraction races as we near ecological limits of growth, empowered by increasingly catastrophic weapons and tools for increasingly effective widespread disinformation? 

We work (as our “job”) on community standards and in service within community-type habitats, and in the market-State, to transition people and resources into a community-type configuration of society. We work on Project Auravana; we work together on our common direction.

14. How do we help people change to a more fulfilling and accurate view of the idea of a moneyless-Stateless society? How do we make it so that the idea of a moneyless, Stateless, classless society is no longer a pariah, and maybe never should have been?

The simple response:

Understanding what people need and taking care of the environment are crucial for making our world better. This idea has become essential in the human optimization movement, where we aim to improve our lives and society. But, there’s a challenge. Over time, the focus on meeting human needs and taking care of the planet has taken a back seat to other values, like “want” (what individuals desire), “property” (related to money), “profit” (linked to competition), and “power-over-others” (connected to security). People often think that fulfilling human needs can only happen in a system that emphasizes ownership and state protection. This belief suggests that only when individuals own things and the government ensures safety can our needs be met.

Project Auravana challenges this idea. Through visualizations, models, and animations, it shows that a community-based society can predictably and practically work for the well-being of everyone, including those who contribute to it. In this system, there is no emphasis on ownership, trade, or state security. Yet, it functions optimally, fulfilling human needs in harmony with the planet on a large scale. This vision of community-driven living offers a promising alternative to our current early 21st century way of organizing society.

The complex response:

Human need fulfillment and ecological services have emerged as the unsung heroes of the human optimization movement (and more generally, the societal optimization movement). However, there is a catch. Over the years, global free access to human need fulfillment and planetary ecological services have become secondary concerns to market-State values, the most notable and primary of which are: “want” (Read: nature of individual), “property” (Read: nature of money), “profit” (Read: nature of competition), and “power-over-others” (Read: nature of security). Human fulfillment (as contextualized to “want-market” and “safety-State”) has garnered a reputation for only functioning effectively (with human needs/wants being met with any certain possibility) under market-State conditions, only. The market-State perpetuity belief is that only when there is property [ownership] and security protection [by the State], can there be human need/want fulfillment. And yet, given what has been produced to date by Project Auravana, a functional societal system without the market or the State is conceptually understandable and explained with visualizations, taking the forms of written language, concepted modeling, and simulated animation. Together as a “living” societal specification standard  (deliverable) a community-type society may be predictably engineered and practically operate to work for the fulfillment of all of its users, including its contributors. Detailed within Project Auravana’s current socio-technical specification standard is a workable model of a societal-level system where there is no property, no trade, and no State security necessary. The model describes and explains an optimized fulfillment system where human needs are optimally fulfilled together within a planetary biosphere, as they would be in “community”.

In the early 21st century, people trade property in a “market”, typically using a single, unified “purchase-option” token (Read: money) as the “integrated” sum comparator (i.e., the size of anyone’s financial token banked account). Therein, the common law legal framework for government is:

  1. code creation and code enforcement structures the State’s existence (as a “government”), to protect people’s safety and property;
  2. using power-over-other type (“authority” encoded military/police) relations, to maintain the state of public personal safety and property ownership);
  3. using the methods of: code creation (a.k.a., legislation), coercion (a.k.a., surveillance for violation), punishment (a.k.a., punishment for violation, crime), and violence (a.k.a., pain/suffering), and execution in some cases (a.k.a., embodied consciousness cessation);
  4. in order to conform behavior in the context of market-State environmental signals.

There is a common saying, “Power-over-others corrupts, and absolute power over other corrupts absolutely”. A good way to gain power over others is through government (i.e., the State). In a competitive, scarcity-driven [market-State] environment there is no end to people seeking the control of, and power over, other people, and hence, people seeking to control the government in order to control the State. Under conditions of scarcity and fear, there is no end to people seeking advantage over others to sustain their higher tier socio-economic access class. Under conditions of trade, there is no end to a trade statistically advantage one side (cumulative) over another and all-others (in general). In other words, in the market-State, there is no end to people seeking to use the State to control other people for their own ends. It is essential to understand that in a market-State configuration of society there are competing for advantage individuals, and organizations of individuals (into businesses and nations). In the market-State there are the competing interests of the employees (laborers who want tokens) and the employers (capitalists who buy employees and want to reduce the number of their tokens necessarily spent on laborers in order to acquire profit in the form of more tokens than total spent). This categorical socio-economic market competition for access to options tokens (a.k.a., money) is sometimes called, “class conflict”. And then, there is the monopolizing authority (governmental State) who ensures the distribution of tokens is “fair”, secure and controlled. Of course, in community, there are the commons-based categories of access: InterSystem team, commons access, and personal access.

Instead of community, the early 21st century has chosen, and has had chosen for them (recursively), a system of belief in spiritual scarcity (religion), resource scarcity (property ownership), and safety scarcity (power-over authority). And so, naturally, people in the market-State fear the loss of private property, not realizing that it is not property they need (and are axiomatically after), it is access fulfillment (and thereafter, under market conditions, property). People in community would seek not to have “personal” free-access lost (coordinated contribution services) to “property-summed options” token-access (i.e., money). “Private property” practically speaking “personal access” in a community-type configuration of society. Both forms of access are by invitation only after becoming an accountable accessor (as “owner” in the market or “user” in community). In community, utility and  infrastructural habitation services (i.e., the Life, Tech., and Exp. support system platforms) are classified as InterSystem Team Access. Common community services are common access, and are typically meant to be scheduled. In the market-State, sometimes utility services are provided by businesses (market-constructions) and sometimes by social-State constructions. Personal/private access is always invited access, unless it violates safety/security. All common community and personal services are the product[-ion] of InterSystem Team Access personnel who contribute in order to sustain global InterSystem, Common, and Personal access.

Work toward a community-type of society involves an integrated (team structure) and unified (information system); it involves a coordinated contribution effort of human labor and common heritage resources. Community advocates are particularly eager to see global human need fulfillment and ecological restoration optimized, given the resources and scientific knowledge available today. With community in our hearts and in our specification standards the rapid movement of people and resources into a community configuration may be adopted by national (regional-network) and an international population (global-network, Internet or InterSystem [team] net-work of people and resources). Community information and hardware systems are relatively inexpensive because they rely on open source and commons market “property licensing” allowances (Read: possible ways of accessing) using “legally enforceable” State rules. Community human-labor services are more efficient than market-State human services for at least two fundamental reasons: one; because the doers, deciders, and users are integrated in one unified system, unified toward global human need fulfillment and ecological restoration; and two; because everyone is motivated intrinsically to meet everyone’s needs, and in doing so, one’s own needs may also be optimally met. In particular, the contributing population of a community-type society does work without extrinsic reward, and with intrinsic educational and intrinsic environmental [incentive-signal] support. Community based services are more/most:

  1. Alive (suggesting most agreeability, peaceability).
  2. Viable to humans and the ecology (suggesting most effective systems to meet required human need functions, as possibly given),
  3. Reliable (suggesting most efficient [planned] resource usage configuration, as possibly given),
  4. Sustainable (suggesting most effective [planned] material-type usages, as possibly given),
  5. Specifiable (suggesting a science-based visual and conceptual structure that is understandable and traceable, otherwise known as: ‘standards’, and therein,’ master plans’, which, in part, are recursively re-integrated into ‘standards’).
  6. Traceable (suggesting a clear and transparent process that can be followed and understood).

There are a lot of people out there who would otherwise be aligned with our common direction, but have bad and limiting conceptions in their minds about a society where there is no property or State coercion, and justifiably so given the convoluted and generally obfuscated and misunderstood nature of humanity with a planetary ecology. So, the ideas of free global access to human need fulfillment (Read: free coordinated access in place of private property) and socially restorative justice (in place of punitive justice) needs to be decouple from past traumatic and convoluted historical events and easily used to manipulate terms like capitalism, communism, socialism, etc. Instead, in simple language, there is either a market for the trade of property, or there is not; and, there is either a State of coercion, or there is not. The environment of the market-State, in part, a source of a root problem to community at the societal scale. If global human need fulfillment and ecological restoration is our common goal, if community is our common goal, then we must look more critically at the exact standards and documentation that underlay any stated and/or proposed configuration of society. We must update our language to a new and novel adaptation of the idea that access is what bring fulfillment and well-being, and not just property, and that restorative justice is more community oriented than it’s punitive alternative.

Yes, it is possible to design a workable, practical, viable community-type, market-less, State-less configuration of society.  Yes, we are well-over ten years into its specified development. Yes, we know  a moneyless and Stateless society is possible for humanity, because the theoretical standards (which are theoretical only because they have yet to materialize community) are actually a comprehensive integration of that which is most known to be practical for global human need fulfillment. Every configuration of societal is an experiment and can be modelled. Every configuration of society is composed of a theoretical information system (as in, Societal Specification Standard) and a practiced socio-technical operating system (as in, the InterSystem Service Team). Every configuration of society has a social [navigational] system, an [economic-al] decision system, a [physic-al] material system, and a lifestyle [experiential] system. Sub-systematizing these concepts as axiomatic to a societal system allows for their specifically engineered construction to orient humanity toward global need fulfillment and ecological restoration.

Project Auravana proposes a set of standards that explain a workable moneyless, Stateless, classless society. Therein, it proposes a safe transition plan to the new societal system [standard representative of community]. This new societal system is detailed in a set of socio-technical standards with an accompanying set of concept models. It is all free on the Project’s website. As one measure of confidence in the possibility of a societal level community is a documented, simplexly unified, information systems standard that integrates conceptually and visually a [true human] functionally useful data-knowledge-behavior structure that produces more [true] human fulfillment and ecological regeneration. In this context, “true heading” is a navigational term meaning that the direction of motion is along/aligned with a specific compass heading (angle). What is “true” is the social [navigational] heading of a common purpose (vector/direction), value and objectives set (orientation), and methods set (approach).

Community has been shadowed the market-State for thousands of years. You and I, are going to rise again. We will live flourishing, globally, once again. There is always room for improvement, and together, we will see community through our lives.

A moneyless, Stateless, classless society is not a pariah any longer.

And maybe, never should have been.

Community is the type of society we all desire as a common humanity with objective human needs for socio-technical fulfillment, and yet, community is also the type of society many false prophets and punishing authorities throughout history have cloaked themselves in. Hence, it is not whether a society values freedom, justice, and efficiency, but how a society defines those conceptual systems, and thus, configures real-world socio-technical relations based on those understandings.

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