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Get the System Overview for a comprehensive description of Project Auravana and a community-type society

About the Auravana Project
Simply: The Project is dedicated to fostering a new societal framework that places community at its core. We have meticulously developed a comprehensive set of socio-technical standards, thoroughly researched and documented on our website. These standards serve as a blueprint for constructing, transitioning to, and operating community (without trade or State coercion) at the societal-scale. At the heart of our approach lies the understanding that every society can be dissected into fundamental systems, forming the basis for our unified standard. This standard emphasizes the global fulfillment of human needs and the gradual restoration of ecological balance.
Our objective is to develop, leverage, and implement a societal configuration free of markets and States, and organized around human need fulfillment and ecological regeneration. Our goal is to advance and push forward as rapidly as possible the standards and systems that are enabling this new societal configuration. We seek socio-technical access to human need fulfillment without the necessity for trade or coercion. We work to develop a more fulfilling range of options for human living. If our work should succeed, it will have great and positive consequences.
Project Auravana is a source of development upon standard for community at the planetary societal scale. The Auravana Project is a contribution effort to develop a ‘community-type society’ by means of a set of socio-technical standards for its conception and operation. Herein, community is a societal-level organization that facilitates human need fulfillment and orients individuals toward their highest potentials. The desire to commit to work toward global human fulfillment is strong in many of us, and our coordinated effort will bring into existence a society that works well for everyone. Project Auravana exists to conceptualize and actualize community at the societal scale. The Project seeks to develop a society that is reasonably automated, contribution-based, operates without trade or coercion, and meets global human need fulfillment requirements within the carrying capacity of the ecology. Effectively, the purpose of the Project is safely bring into existence a marketless and Stateless society – a society that meets all human need without trade or coercive. The Project includes a societal standards setting organization in conjunction with a habitat service team operation. During transition, there is also a transition team. Hence, the primary goals of the project are to develop, to transition to, and to operate a community-type society. In concern to transition, this is a project to redesign the structure of society into one of community at the global scale, using a model that recognizes the real world where humans can have greater and lesser states of fulfillment.
The primary purposeful vision statement:
The Auravana Project [Consortium] exists to create and operate a community network of socio-economically integrated city systems through the collaborative design, development, testing, and application of an open and emergent specification-standard informed by purposefully driven individuals fulfilled in their development toward a higher potential dynamic of experience for themselves and all others.
The Project’s primary deliverables are:
- A unified societal information systems standard. A societal specification standard [inclusive of all given information] for a type of society known as, ‘community’; wherein, all individuals are fulfilled given what is known about resources, demand, and technologies.
- A network of cooperating habitat service systems. A habitat service network where people contribute and live their lives with access to all that humanity has to offer.
A community-type society is conceptualized by means of a Societal Specification Standard (SSS), and operationalized by a Habitat Service System (HSS). When another society, like the market-State, is operating, then the Project also has a transition team to coordinate between the different societies. Auravana could be considered a societal standards setting organization, and like any professional standards organization, working groups develop the socio-technical [societal specification] standards.
The Auravana Project may be viewed as a consortium, an agreement formalized by standards and formed among a combination of individuals and organizations to openly develop, and cooperatively apply, an explicit[ly] explained standard for the conceptualization and operation of society. This proposed societal system works for all individuals, and the Earth upon which all individuals depend. Through a [whole] systems approach the design facilitates an understanding and transitioning of complex and inter-related issues toward wide-scale social and environmental regard, and ultimately, global human flourishing.
The purposeful design of a community-type society offers every individual on the planet a set of highly enriched living opportunities based on that which is possible today (through the union of human fulfillment and scientific possibility), and directed toward a new era of flourishing and sustainability for all. Specifically, the vision involves the construction and operation of a global community network with localized integrated city systems, including a multitude of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies directly applied to the living system. With reason, it is expect that the implementation of this proposal will dramatically reduce suffering and violence on the planet, while facilitating the elevation of the well-being of the global population and maximization of everyone’s quality of life. Further, the systems design will support individual’s intellectual and emotional adaptation to life-oriented, and technically capable, society. The Project introduces for reconsideration the idea of ‘society’ and ‘community’, in the context of human need fulfillment, using many of the principles of system-of-systems design.
The technological empowerment that has made humanity, for the first time in history, capable of destroying the biosphere, has simultaneously enabled humanity to provide a quality of life to all people that is higher than anyone experiences today; and to do so in sustainable harmony with the biosphere. This technological power has given humanity both the need, and the ability, to rapidly evolve its collective values and how it navigates through life as a species. In part, the Auravana Project exists to facilitate and elucidate that evolution.
Human flourishing is most likely to arise and maintain within an environmental-societal system where fulfillment is cooperatively coordinated and all resources are declared the common heritage of all Earth’s inhabitants. One fundamental premise (assumption) of this design for community is the [socio-individual] perception of the Earth’s resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people. Herein, in order to optimize access, the society is designed to include the tracking of world resources, the use of a shared collaboration and algorithmic operational system, and the accounting of human needs (requirements) in the context of contributions (capacities). The [societal information] system emerges, at the material level, into a network of integrated city systems capable of supporting a global community population in sustainable alignment with the carrying capacity of its environment, while sustaining global human need fulfillment. In order to accomplish this, the project’s adaptive design combines an emphasis on individual self-integration with a systems-oriented approach, with an informed reliance on nature’s underlying principles.
Fundamentally, the Auravana Project [Consortium] exists to co-create the emergence of a community-type society through the openly shared design, construction, and operation of a socio-economically unified network of integrated city systems in which purposefully driven individuals are fulfilled in their development toward a higher potential state of human experience for themselves and all others.
Rather than assuming only iterative changes within the context of the social and economic systems that are themselves at the root of so many of our challenges, we have embarked on an analysis and redesign of human civilization, starting with the definition of what constitutes a fulfilled society. Instead of trying to patchwork and reform existing systems, we are resolving our many current and impending, self-induced challenges, through a design that renders those challenges obsolete. Through holistic development, conditioning elements that predispose a driving pattern of behavior are shifted toward regenerative, emergent, and global fulfillment of our true potential. Our specified designs for holistic community development address all the major areas that influence human behavior and ecological stability, tracing root issues back to driving structures, and from there to the environmental influences and response mechanisms that cause them. These “blueprints” (a metaphor for our design specifications) then propose new structures for those environmental influences that instead condition and predispose fulfillment-oriented values and life-enhancing systems. We have the models and tools at hand to design and build a present that is worthy of humanity’s potential. Together we are interested in, and working toward, formulating and formalizing a different a kind of society we may all be proud of.
Cooperation and discovery are an inherent part of what it means to be human. The community environment, herein, has been designed to nurture and support the experience and evolution of this understanding. In community, individuals pursue life and learning at their own pace and according to their own interests, passions and preferences. The design for community provides a fulfilling way of looking at (i.e., a perspective of higher potential) the nature of life, learning, work, and human interaction: it represents the potential for a life lived through meaning and purpose. Herein, the designs seek to maintain an essential alignment with humankind’s evolving understandings of itself and the world of which humans are a regenerative part. Hence, the design proposes a global society with a specific function – supporting the well-being of Earth’s ecology while improving the standard of living for all inhabitants.
The fulfillment of all sentient beings is an eternal way forward. And so, contributors have come together to share in our discoveries and evolve humanity’s understandings so that its creations align more greatly with the well-being and flourishing of all sentient life on this planet and in the universe. Here, the work contribution fulfillment brings joy in life. Sharing opens new possibilities for inspiration and creation. How we think and work together, and what we do, will ultimately make the difference. Notably, our direction is also in perfect accord with the spiritual aspects and ideals found in most religions throughout the world. What sets our efforts apart, however, is that we propose to translate these ideals into a working reality in the present.
Fundamentally, the Project proposes an open, formal, and collaboratively developed standard of ‘Community’ that is to be operated as the [sole] societal coordination organization for the global population. Among community there is a recognition that socio-technical resolutions to human need fulfillment must be accounted for a global level (because resources are globally common) and categorically recognized for prioritization (because resources and human-habited bodies are finite). It is relevant to note here that all stakeholders can be accounted for in all decisions through a standards-based societal decision system. Therein, actions taken upon these priorities creates structural modifications to the environment, which are fed back into individuals’ behaviors in, and experience of, life.
The Project’s overall vision for community is an urgent one considering the myriad of perceptible global-societal crises. Candidly speaking, humanity’s current modes of operation are unsustainable and its trajectory is (structurally speaking) often self-destructive. The problems humanity sees in the early 21st century are not isolated or solvable at the level of the problems themselves; they are the inevitable expressions of the underlying power structures and value systems that drive human behavior to externalize power and harm. When divided ideologically, and separated by borders and beliefs, it is not possible for humanity to apply relevant solutions to the foundations of society. Here, it is possible to recognize that reducing global threats requires the application of evidence rather than personal opinion. A standard must begin to identify and design in accord with that which all humans hold in common. Nothing less than a fundamental redesign of global power structures, co-arising with a fundamental paradigm shift in global values and worldview, is adequate to resolve humanity’s challenges, avert the otherwise impending catastrophes, and facilitate the emergence of a world commensurate to our true potential. Through societal standardization it is possible to create the next generation of regenerative and fulfilling human environments wherein individuals develop toward their highest potentials through pursuits in which they are inspired and engaged. Take note that this is not some hazy future system that can’t be imagined or understood; it is something that can be conceptually and technically defined.
There is a relationship between humans and their environment. How systems are designed and used relative to that relationship is significant. Systems designed with the goal of enabling human flourishing and fulfilling human need are likely to ensure a safe environment that effectively meets global human requirements.
The world can be bettered by not only identifying malignant circumstances and reducing or eliminating them in the next iteration (i.e., undoing damaging circumstances), but also by designing for human well-being with ecological consideration. A societal science that measures and builds contribution, planning, and conscious choice (i.e., choice that accounts for spatial resources, human requirements, and an environment) will be more potent in potential than a society of unconscious habits, beliefs, and circumstances. Humans can be drawn to visualize the future, rather than just driven by the past. Socio-technical standards are prerequisites for the construction of current society and any future imagined societies.
Project Auravana organization
Project Auravana is inclusive of both a societal standards setting organization (SSO; a.k.a, a standards-development organization, SDO) as well as a habitat service operations organization. Auravana is an open source societal-level engineering project for community standards and operations. The project coordinates a societal standards setting organization that proposes a unified model for global human fulfillment. The type of society being proposed and engineered into existence is one of cooperative access to a habitat service where human needs are globally fulfilled through contribution and common resources. Working group members use a collaborative design platform to identify and develop (i.e., create) standards, while habitat [service] team members apply (operationalize) standards that enhance human well-being with physical resources. People collaborate in the operation of a community-type society by contributing to working groups that maintain standards, and simultaneously, habitat service teams that do physical work as part of the [societal] habitat service system.
The informational standard(s) service system
The conception of a ‘standard’ is widely acknowledged to be the foundation of the functional socio-technical operation of modern society, and any given society of sufficient technical advance. Socio-technical standards hold socio-technical society together. They specify the characteristics or performance requirements of countless aspects of the human-scale socio-technical world. To safely build complex and potentially dangerous socio-technical environments there is a requirement of standards, certification, and monitoring by competent persons. Specification standard(s) include descriptions and explanations accompanied by visualizations and simulations. In concern to community as a type of society, the standards demonstrate how humanity may access and participate in the global optimization of their own flourishing. Here, through standardization, society is collaboratively designed, developed, operated, and ultimately, coordinated for the benefit of all inhabitants. The structural coordination logic of community is informed in a shared (common), explicit (documented and planned), and contributed (accountable) manner.
A socio-technical society is engineered through standards, specifying its reasoning, construction, and operation. A societal specification standard is a technical reference [document] that everyone can point to as a description and explanation of a societal system. A developer and/or operator should be able to read it and come to an understanding of the societal system itself. Standards exist to be used, and if not used, then archived. Hence, in the context of usability, standards represent the specification (with reasoning) for the selected operation of the next and/or current iteration of society.
Standard setting organizations are society’s means of sharing discoveries and integrating work for the purpose of developing, coordinating, revising, producing, and otherwise operating, socio-technical standards, and therein, specifications that are intended to address the needs of a group of affected adopters. And, in the case of this project, those affected are a global population humans and the planetary ecology. The Auravana Project exists to develop, produce, and distribute the open source societal specification standard for a global community-type society. Standards setting organizations are staffed with people that develop, publish, and coordinate standards. The Auravana standards setting organization [consortium] is comprised of groups of contributing individuals that are responsible for the development (i.e., setting) of standards through collaboration and coordination processes. The standards development activities in this organization are based on systems science, equitable access, and transparency.
At the standards level, Auravana Project [Consortium] is a global organization of professional working group members who are actively contributing and organized based on articles (which, are themselves composed into standards). In other words, the organization consists of people who are contributing to the information system for community by working on its information standard. Within Project Auravana there is a full-time project coordination working group structure dedicated to the informational tasks of developing the societal standard. Projects, coordinators, and working groups have a scope that defines the boundaries by which decisions may be taken. Scopes are set by the working groups in the form of formalized standards, which inform of changes to informational and spatial flows through human society. In this way, Project Auravana’s responsibilities include the distribution of a community-type societal information system [standard], developed through working groups.
In the working group, contributors work on the actual technical documents. The working group members work on each clause of a standard and make the document up to date and usable. To generate a new iteration of society, it is essential to know ‘how’ society currently operates. Given what is known, a socio-technical society of sufficient population size operates based upon standards set by organizations (of people and machines). There is a standardized process to the development and life-cycle of standards. Therein, scopes (that which boundaries projects at a coordinated information-level) can be broken down into subs-scopes and assigned to sub-coordinators. Each standards document is sub-composed of a set of articles that represents the discovery, understanding, and operation of society. Each article is a primary working group deliverable, with sub-working groups possibly present. In other words, the specification standards are a set of articles developed by working groups (et al.) that are used as formal standards for the specified understanding, construction, and operation of society by InterSystem Teams and the population at large.
To be of global applicability a societal standard must maintain the following characteristics:
- Scalable – increasingly usable and applicable to larger population sizes without violence and incidental artifacts.
- Open/accessible – trade/money is not required to contribute or use.
- Duplicable – is sufficiently accessible that it can be duplicated by others easily.
- Societal specification standard (SSS)
A societal specification standard details (i.e., is) the [unified] information system for an intentionally designed society. Every type of society is first and foremost an information system before it is anything else. In order to safely bring into existence the type of society we envision, the information system must be completed. A societal specification standard is a [published] document that a population uses to understand and engineer society; wherein, its design is continuously re-engineered as better/more information becomes available. Each new standard (or update to a standard) could be viewed as a proposal for the next iteration of society.
The term ‘societal specification standard’ refers to an information/documentation set with the following properties:
- Societal: Applicable at the societal/global level; it encompasses all of the axiomatic systems of society.
- Specification: Specifies the design and selection of the system. Specifications ensure actions are traceable. A specification is single source document that gives constructors and operators guidance during development and construction activities.
- Standard: Standardizes technical knowledge and procedures for doing and delivering the system. Standards ensure desired results are achieved. A specification is a document that gives operators operation activities. A standard describes the best way of doing something, given what is (1) known and (2) has been integrated by those with competence.
At the level of contribution to the Societal Specification Standard (SSS), the Project is composed of open source working groups that develop and publish the societal standard for a global community-type society. These working groups create documents that provide requirements, specifications, and reasoning that can be used consistently at the societal level for mutual human fulfillment. The project exists to open source and free-share the standard for global societal co-operation.
At a high-level, any given societal [project] standard may be divided into its principal system publications, which represent the axiomatic conceptual foundation of a socio-technical society:
- A System Overview of the society.
- A description standard.
- A Project Plan (Project System) for the society.
- A coordination standard.
- A Social System of the society
- A core societal standard.
- A Decision System of the society.
- A core societal standard.
- A Material System of the society
- A core societal standard.
- A Lifestyle System of the society.
- A core societal standard.
Note: Each of these standards is composed of multiple articles. Each article is the deliverable of one or more working groups. Models (figures), drawings, and simulations are associated with articles in each standard.
These systems (standards) are the fundamental basis of any society. Herein, an economic system is contained within the decision system and concerns decisions about resources. Note, it is not true to state that the fundamental basis for any society is any of its sub-systems individually (e.g., its social system individually, its economic system individually, etc.). Every society is composed of these fundamental systems, which may be understood and engineered by individuals therein, or not. In community, the societal [system] standard for a community-type society is a working socio-technical deliverable product. This standardized deliverable is sub-divided by the primary information sub-systems of any given society, into a set of standards’ articles (including, figures, tables, and simulations) representative of, and usable by, society to understand, construct, and operate. To understand, construct and operate society coherently, all of these systems must be acknowledge and accounted for (preferably, in a unified manner).
Question: Why explicate the aura (standard), why unify the aura (standard), and why contribute to the aura (standard)? Because, within the aura (standard) exists humanity’s potential for optimizing human survival and individual human flourishing. It is a population’s mutually unified and cohesive response to societal development, through standardization, that enables the fulfillment of all individuals’ potential (i.e., agency access). When we begin unifying all information, the understanding that we could all live better lives through co-operation at the societal scale becomes most clear.
A community-type societal standard
Practically speaking, a community is an informational and physical organization operating together deliberately and forming an evolving whole. The Project proposes a set of standards that may be said to represent a unified field theory of community; they are a treatise of [every] fulfilled human society (given what is known). At a practical level, they specify the composition and operation of an adaptive ‘community’ network of socio-economically integrated city systems (and self-integrating individuals). In other words, the four specifications represent a description of that which is required to construct and operate community as understandable through a set of system standards; which provide the reasoning and evidence for why community is so constructed. The operationalization of the standard leads to feedback, which leads to better standards. Over time, society is re-constructed as a more optimal form of community through the application of the updated “living” model. The evolving spiral-like nature of the proposed societal system allows humanity to rapidly overcome insufficiencies in its former designs.
Project Auravana exists to propose a unified solution to the development of a tradeless (moneyless) and Stateless (coercionless) society sometime in the next several decades, by:
- Developing and maintaining standards.
- Developing and maintaining habitat services.
- Developing and using market-State relationships.
In community, production and consumption are based on need (and preference), and not on someone’s income (from trade), prior profit (from assets), or coercion (from power-over-others). In other words, in community, fulfillment (consumption) is based on need (humans, resources, and services), and does not include incentives or protocols based on income (money), on property (assets), or on authority (punishment).
The Auravana Project coordinates the development of the societal standard for a type of society with several features unique to ‘community’:
- A societal system based upon cooperatively shared access to common resources, and thus, trade-less (and hence, moneyless/marketless). In a community-type society, there is no property and no trading of property (either for other property or for money).
- In community, all goods and services are available to all people without the need for any form of exchange, including money, credits, or barter. Instead of government regulation, there is a contribution-based standardization service-team framework. In this context, individuals among the population share a set of directions (purposes), orientations (values), and approach (methods) with consequential patterns of thought, behavior, and physical constructions.
- A societal system based upon a formalized socio-technical standard and open-source development, and thus, coercionless (and hence, Stateless). Herein, there is no State coercion. In this context, the resources (informational and spatial) and outputs of production are the common heritage of everyone.
- In community, justice is both distributive (of access) and restorative (of fulfillment) while accounting for both the individual (human) and the social (society) of individuals. Restoration of fulfillment and access to all services that humanity has to offer are available to all people without the need for threat (taxation) or trade (market). Instead of government coercion, there is a contribution-base habitat service-team framework. In this sense, individuals among a community share a set of directions (requirements), orientations (objectives), and approaches (processes) with consequential patterns of thought, behaviour, and physical constructions.
- The Auravana Project [Consortium] follows the value orientation of the society’s social system itself, and is thus, open source.
- A societal transition system enables transition from the market-State to community. It is relevant to note here that transition to community at the societal scale will take years, may occur differently at different locations on the planet, and will likely itself involve aspects of both the State and the market.
- Transition to community likely requires the use of the tools of the society available in that type of society being transitioned away from.
The proposed society may be characterized as operational without a market (i.e., without trade and money) and without a State (i.e., without coercion and power-over-others). This societal system is directed toward global human fulfillment and ecological regeneration, and this is possible through the conception and operation of a unified societal model where the real world environment, including human needs, material resources, and what is possible, is accounted for at the individual and social levels, together.
The Auravana Project produces the societal standard for the logical derivation and technical operation of a community-type societal system. This societal standard presents an alternative version of society, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed as solvable at the societal systems level. Anything less will result in a continuation of the same catalogue of problems inherent in modern civilization. Hence, the project presents a new and up-to-date societal system, as a standard, that is unlike anything that has ever been tried before — it describes a society capable of sustaining the mutual fulfillment of all individuals on the planet. The Project’s published societal standard details the logical derivation and technical operation of this system, which may be categorized as, a ‘community-type society’. The project presents a vision of society oriented toward ecological sustainability and the fulfillment of all human need — a society designed and operated through social cooperation and community orienting values.
The proposed standard for a community-type society represents an alternative version of the present that calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but as totally unacceptable. Anything less will result in a continuation of the same catalogue of problems inherent in modern civilization. Hence, the proposed standard presents a new and up-to-date socio-economic system that is unlike anything that has ever been tried before — it describes a society capable of sustaining globally mutual human fulfillment on this planet that we all share. Project Auravana envisions a society oriented toward ecological sustainability and the fulfillment of all human need — a society designed and operated through social co-conceptualization and co-operation. Community is a societal system that works for all of us and the Earth upon which we depend. Through the application of a [whole] systems approach the society’s design facilitates an understanding [by individuals] and transitioning of complex and interrelated crises toward wide-scale social and environmental regard.
In an effort to provide the greatest possible clarity and usefulness, the societal standards setting organization, Project Auravana, has formatted the design for the proposed society (i.e., its logical derivation and technical operation) into a series of specification standards. Each standard is both a component of the total design, as well as intended to be a basis for deep reflective consideration of one’s own community [or lack thereof]. Together, these “living” specifications represent a replicable, scalable, and comprehensively “useful” model for an intentional need-fulfillment community (composed of an integrated community-city network vs. city-State network) spanning the globe. Of note, these standards are “living” in that they are continually updated as new information becomes available. The community is not ever established; its design exists in an emergent state, for it evolves as we evolve, which is necessary for our survival and flourishing. In essence, the project’s primary deliverable is a new system to make the existing system obsolete — it is our intent to continuously evolve ourselves and the systems of which we are an integral part.
The proposed standard for community suggests a potential (and evolving) solution to the issues universally plaguing humankind, and could possibly bring about the greatest revolution in living and learning in our modern time. Change on the scale that is required can only be realized when people see and experience a better way. Unless we imagine, though most importantly, explicitly describe (both conceptually and technically) the world we want, how are we going to create it? The society’s system design has been separated out at a high-level into four principal standards; each detailing a different primary [axiomatic] aspect of its formation and operation, including its structure and patterns of organization.
The societal information standard proposal for community is composed of the five principle systems of any given society:
- A Social System Standard
- A Decision System Standard
- A Material System Standard
- A Lifestyle System Standard
- A Project [Plan] System Standard
Together, these five standards form an adaptive and unified information model for the study, implementation and operation of a globally networked (socio-economically defined) community. The standard, together, is a proposal with the potential of being developed and operated for the population of global society. Each of the systems in the model, (each standard) has a consequence on human behavior, and together, their actualization forms emergent patterns of behavior. Their specific organization by the population of a society is likely to organize a specific pattern of behavior in society.
The community-type societal specification standard
Given what is known, a societal specification standard can be sub-composed of 6 primary publications, of which, publication list item #1 is an overview of the system (SO) and publication list item #2 is the societal project plan (PP). Hence, the Auravana Project’s Societal Specification Standard (SSS) is composed of:
- System Overview: SSS-SO-###
- Project Plan: SSS-PP-###
- Plan Project Execution: SSS-PP-PE-###
- Social System: SSS-SS-###
- Decision System: SSS-DS-###
- Material System: SSS-MS-###
- Material Habitat System: SSS-MS-HS-###
- Lifestyle System: SSS-LS-###
The Auravana Project proposes a complete “community-type” societal model composed of four societal system standards, a project plan for the transition to and operation of the society, as well as an overview document to support an understanding of the whole societal operation.
The material habitat(s) service system
The material environment is where the habitat service system (city) physically exists and is staffed by contributing members of the population who are coordinated into tasking associated with a layered prioritization model of the habitat, starting with:
- Life Support (LS),
- Technology Support (TS), and
- and Exploratory Support (ES).
The team members serving in the habitat operationalize the societal standard developed by the working groups. Teams in the habitat take habitat altering decisions and conduct habitat altering operations.
Challenges to understanding
There can be a substantial learning curve when it comes to acquiring a comprehensive understanding of what is actually being proposed by the Project. It is important to remember that this proposal for community at the societal level represents an entirely different [linguistic] worldview than most (if not all) other worldviews present in modern society. Fundamentally, the Community’s design describes an entirely divergent way of living and of understanding reality than the many worldviews and socio-economic structures expressed among the early 21st century population of the planet. This can present a significant motivating challenge for those interested in our common direction. The reading of the articles in combination with the seeing of associated models (figures) is one of the best ways to approach a comprehensive understanding of the system.
Note: The specification standards are dense in content, and some individuals who read the articles and see the models for the first time may feel like they are learning a new language and integrating a new worldview, which takes time and requires internal processing.