Auravana Academy

What courses are available?
This course provides individuals the opportunity to acquire a strong foundation in the engineered construction of any given society. This course seeks not just knowledge transfer, but to make it sticky. This course helps the learner to develop essential knowledge and skills of the creation and transition to community at the societal scale. This course provides learners with a complete introduction and experience of what life is like in community. It further facilitates the transfer of this knowledge to practical situations. The course results in a course completion certificate.
This course provides individuals the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive understanding of concept-of-operation of a community-type society, and in doing so, begin the transition to working and living in a moneyless, Stateless, classless society. This course creates an opportunity to master competencies required for understanding and evaluating societal systems, standards, and socio-technical plans. This course provides individuals the knowledge and tools required to work effectively, efficiently, and safely toward and within community at the societal scale. The multi-week version of this course results in a certificate of final assessment of the learners knowledge about community, its conception, operation, and transition thereto.
Imagine, in university, if you had a course that was dedicated to understanding all of society, and facilitating the next more optimal configuration.
Invest in a better life for all
Contact us and tell us about your interest in one of our courses. We will contact you when course scheduling becomes available.
Lifelong learning
Learning is life-long, and community is so very close.
We provide learners the knowledge to succeed in the development and operation of community at the societal (local and global) scale. Community is brought about and maintained by those who are educated about its operation. Community is a configuration of society brought about by someone like you, someone who imagines a better future for everyone and takes effective action to realize the vision. Imagine what you could do if you had the power to transform society into community. Challenge what others think is possible; innovation toward solving the global challenges of the 21st century is feasible through community education. Join the revolution to live in community.
Multiply life’s collaborative potential
Gain a solid foundation in societal building concepts and methods, including clarification of the distinctions between different types of societies, experience real-time societal team building interactions, and practice developing and delivering societal building products.

Critical awareness
Everything we need to flourish together.
We can remove the personal tension in how we work and live today. We know the inputs and outputs, and there was once a black box separating us from our fulfillment. This black box, which was once so impenetrable, is now made clear for all of us; our interdependencies and agreements are made clear. Socio-technical standards representative of community form the basis from which we inter-operate and share all that humanity has to offer. Through agreement and the accumulation of scientific knowledge we shall advance into the next century with situational awareness, intelligence, and great compassion.
Gain a solid foundation in societal building concepts and methods, including clarification of the distinctions between different types of societies, experience real-time societal team building interactions, and practice developing and delivering societal building products.
These courses are for you, if you have a deep desire:
- To conceptualize activities and ways of participation that encourage resource sharing as well as sustainable technology production and usage.
- To understand the fundamental documentation and mediums that facilitate a safe and functional operation of any configuration of society.
- To create and review concept models and visualizations for a new configuration of society.
- To acquire an understanding of the tools necessary to pursue systemic system change.

Significant impact
Imagine the impact you could have if you knew the inner workings of society.
Through community education we all get a better world, and we can see what we are truly capable of. Community is a configuration of society brought about by someone like you, someone who imagines a better world and future for everyone. We are part of the number one most influential movement in the world, and together we will find a way forward that works well for all. This university education is focused on awareness and on the demonstration of what is truly possible today. We are doing something that we should be proud of.

Cooperative leadership
We need cooperative leaders to build community together.
Through a community education we all get a better world, and we can see what we are truly capable of without limits on sharing and caring. This educational experience is focused on understanding what is truly possible today, which empowers leader to facilitate its realization. Together, we will live in a moneyless, Stateless, classless society where humanity has accomplished the realization of a co-operative of a network of community habitats. We now have a foundational body of knowledge and agreements, a set of standards, to start making change toward this direction among our local and global population. Because of the size of our population and the increasing responsiveness of our technology to our thoughts, we need to adapt faster than possibly anytime in our prior history.
As easy as a sim

we can take the pieces of the old and build a better planet
Societal engineering
Sometimes big ideas make a big difference.
A real and better vision of what is possible accompanied by a feeling of duty to improve society. The breakthrough is a set of socio-technical standards developed by working groups and applied by habitat teams, that together operate a global, human fulfillment service system. Every socio-technical society is arranged to some high-degree based on science and technology. The combustible combination of ignorance, poverty, and power-over-others can be transformed through education into an organization based on access to common heritage resources coordinated to optimize global human need fulfillment. The three greatest threats to the environment and human flourishing are war, ignorance, and poverty. This university course will give you a comprehensive education to dispel ignorance, and possibly, through work, dispel poverty and war. With a lot of good information, together, we become most powerful. Through a societal-based program of study and useful work, we can develop an environment that reinforces the desire to learn, and incentivizes the investment and duty we have for one another to thrive.