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UN Sustainability Development Goals - Alignment with Community
Community standards are capable of resolving all United Nation sustainable development goals (SDG). Project Auravana produces a living set of unified community standards that are capable of meeting all the goals, together, as a systems oriented solution to the societal problems of the early 21st century. Community standards resolve all of the UN sustainability goals, and do so, together. In this sense, it is not any individual standard in community that meets an individual UN sustainability goal; instead, it is all the standards together, forming a unified model of optimized human fulfillment, that together meet all common human needs and planetary ecological requirements for restoration.
The following is an assessment of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the context of a community-type society:
- End poverty:
a. UN Statement: End poverty in all its forms, everywhere.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Community is a global cooperative informational and material structure that is engineered by its user-contributors to meet all human needs optimally at a global level. Poverty in fulfillment can only be ended in all its forms when all have the highest quality of access, which is available to all. It is possible to meet global human need requirements through resource accounting and the coordination of community working groups and habitat teams composed of contributors and common heritage resources. It is possible to explain how poverty can be and is being ended in all its forms through standards textual documentation, modeling, and simulation. The goal of community is, in part, to sustain global human need fulfillment, because that is what humans need fulfilled in order to survive and thrive individually and together as the human species.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: is basic life-support fulfillment. - Zero hunger:
a. UN Statement: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Food cultivation, production and distribution is carried out in community through a network of habitat service systems that identify human needs (demands) together globally, produce directly for that demand at the local- and global-network scale. The work to meet human [food] cultivation requirement is carried out by habitat service teams and working groups, as well as local habitat populations. Of note, community applies restorative agricultural cultivation practices to cultivation production in the habitat. Restorative agriculture is otherwise known as holistic cultivation and involves the cultivation of food fuel and fiber in a manner that restores soil and the biotic of landscapes. Hence, there is no need to promote sustainable agriculture, because restorative agriculture is built into the habitat from a planned beginning.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: is basic life-support fulfillment. - Good health and well-being:
a. UN Statement: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all levels.
b. Community-based standards alignment: The best health and well-being are achieved when all human needs are met optimally at a global level by a real-world modeling and planning system. Healthy lives require healthy conditions, and healthy conditions are developed through life, technology, and exploratory access distribution. Healthy lives require supporting information and material systems composed of accurate data, community-aligned structures, and common heritage resources.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: is a human development index. - Quality education:
a. UN Statement: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
b. Community-based standards alignment: In a habitat in community, education is both a life and exploratory support primary function that necessarily involves technological functions. The education exploratory support subsystem is optimized in conjunction with all other habitat services to give the population the best access to learning and intrinsic education opportunities as possible. In community, all habitat services are optimized together. The general phases of life in community are education, contribution-service, and then, retirement and/or continued contribution. Life-long learning opportunities are effectively guaranteed in community because, because society is oriented in that manner and learning is understood to be a continuous common need.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: is an intrinsic education and sufficiently qualified personnel to contribute. - Gender equality:
a. UN Statement: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Community is a voluntary, participatory, human user-oriented system informed by protocols that facilitate cooperation globally. Gender equality is achieved by operating an engineered system that functions for human fulfillment without class, money, and the State. All people become empowered to live optimal lives when resources are configured to that end.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: No access differential between the genders, accessability. - Clean water and sanitation:
a. UN Statement: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
b. Community-based standards alignment: In concern to habitat service classification, water is a life support habitat service subsystem. Clean water can be achieved when appropriate technologies are applied and maintained. The application of appropriate technologies requires access to the technology and habitat planning. There is no privatization of what in community; it is treated as a global resource and accounted for transparently. Decisions about water are taken through a global decisioning framework. To produce available sustainable water systems, first a habitat needs access to water, then it needs to account for distribution and cycling of the water in a safe and appropriate manner. Water is free, available, and sustainable in community because it is accounted for as a common heritage resource at a global level.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Adoption rate of eco-friendly behaviors, technologies, and practices. - Affordable and clean energy:
a. UN Statement: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
b. Community-based standards alignment: There are no purchases or sales in community. Energy/power, like water, is a life support habitat service subsystem. Reliable and sustainable energy/power is produced through planning of a habitat.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Adoption rate of eco-friendly behaviors, technologies, and practices. - Decent work and economic growth:
a. UN Statement: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
b. Community-based standards alignment: In are three primary phases of life in community: education (for work and community), work (for contribution to community), retire (from work to work more or leisure).
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Adoption rate of efficiency technologies, AI, and intrinsic contribution. Adoption of transparency, accountability, and digitization. - Industry, innovation and infrastructure:
a. UN Statement: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Community includes the most resilient infrastructure because it includes integrated habitat service systems engineered in a collaborative manner for local, individual, human need fulfillment by contributors. The young users eventually become contributors, and then, become fully established with community-user access. The most resilient infrastructure is designed and built by its users. When needs are accounted for and conditions known, then it is possible to build with increasingly resilience.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Integration of city and production services into an integrated, total habitat/city system. - Reduced inequalities:
a. UN Statement: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Inequality is eliminated when all the earth’s resources are declared as all the worlds people, and those resources are applied toward global human fulfillment. A community-type societal standard is likely to explain how inequalities reduce well-being and propose the values of freedom, distributive and restorative justice, and efficiency as orientational concepts for community project objectives. Inequality is eliminated through designing a system where all people have optimal access to life, technology and exploratory support.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Adoption of community standards through the population. - Sustainable cities and communities:
a. UN Statement: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
b. Community-based standards alignment: Cities (a.k.a., habitat service systems) are safe, resilient, sustainable, and customized in community through global resource calculation and local habitat participation. Cities in community are living systems to be reconfigured as their users’ plans are updated and changed. Cities in community are operated by using contributors. There is nothing to steal from anyone, because essentially, every community accessible item is accessible to everyone. There is no planned obsolescence. There is only optimization of habitat design given what is known and available. In community, cities are integrated living environments.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Construction and operation of a community-network of habitat services. - Responsible consumption and production:
a. UN Statement: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
b. Community-based standards alignment: The only way to ensure sustainable and optimal production-distribution-usage patterns is to plan human fulfillment via habitat and information services at a global level. Planning at a global level eliminates competition in favor of cooperation, whereupon myriad forms of misinformation, manipulation and outright coercion are reduced and/or eliminated. Transparency and/or computational trust is a core stabilizing value in community, where global accounting takes place for human need fulfillment and habitat resource configurations. Here, carrying capacity becomes an easily known figure for the human habitat, and can be used in the planning of the next iteration of the productive habitat. In community, responsible access comes from education and an intrinsic desire to contribute as required. The first phase of life in community is youth and education, the second is contribution as a service to the community, and the third is retirement from service with continued contribution or full leisure access to the whole spectrum of community services. In fact, all life phases are necessary for all to have sustainable production and consumption patterns.
c. The indicator of progress on this goal: Integration of city and production services into an integrated, total habitat/city system. Reduce human wildlife conflict.