Standards Adoption
Together, and with data, we will raise the world’s standards.
Start setting the standard for community.
Adopt and promote the use of a unified, open community standard.
For States
Project Auravana offers a set of Societal Specification Standards as a framework for the creation of policy to transition a union of States to community, by facilitating the movement of resources and people into community. States are based upon the development and adoption of socio-technical standards. Community standards ensure interoperability and transparency of operations.
For Villages
Project Auravana offers a set of Village Building Standards as an alignable framework for the operation of a local community habitat (eco-village). Community villages are based upon the develop and adoption of community orienting socio-technical standards. Community standards ensure a sustainable and inclusive life-radius.
For Enterprises
Project Auravana offers a set of Habitat Production Standards as the means of production of human fulfillment within a network of distributed community habitats. Community habitats are based upon the develop and adoption of socio-technical community standards. Community standards ensure sufficiency of production to meet human needs.
Overview of Adoption
Auravana is where individuals, organizations, and governments come together to solve some of the world’s biggest socio-technical challenges through the development of open standards and systems.
Auravana standards enable global socio-technical cooperation and are fundamental to the global community infrastructure. All individuals and organizations can “adopt” these socio-technical standards for community. An adopting individual plays an important role in sharing and behaving in a way that facilitates the development and operation of community at the local and global levels. Organizations of people may also adopt the standards. These organizations are numerous and include market organizations, State organizations, and public organizations. An adopting organization plays an important role in the production, development, and use of the Auravana socio-technical standards. An adopting organization contributes working persons and resources to the standards development process, to the transition process, and/or to local habitat service system operations. There is no financial or other compensation or trade for contribution to community at the societal scale. Individuals and organizations, because of their positioning in the market, will likely be required to continue to trade for their continued existence; until, community is sufficiently established that access is free of trade.
The adoption of the socio-technical standards is part of a societal transition proposal (within the Project Plan) for transitioning from the market-State to community. Adoption necessitates individual understanding and social education due to the operation of community being different than the operation of early 21st century market-State society. Of course, without an engineered visualization of society configured into community, determining who is or isn’t aligned with community, and who is and isn’t an expert in community, becomes difficult.
Objectives of transition via adoption:
- Access to the standards will allow an adopting organization to bring socio-technical development, individual education, and new contribution opportunities to their employees and citizen.
- Adopting organization will transition values, processes and decisions, and operations to those which are representational of participation in community. Participate in the systemic prototyping of community models and operations.
- Adopting organizations may participate in the development and promotion of Auravana societal standards, which will benefit all who depend on those standards and will advance global socio-technical operations and sustainable development. Work together with some of the brightest scientists, developers, entrepreneurs, politicians, coders and creatives on an open and collaborative standard. Demonstrate to the world how your organization helps to build a better future by supporting a community-type societal vision.
During transition, adoption involves:
- State politicians working to change laws that transition society, through standards, to a community-type operation.
- Market organizations work to conform their operations to those of community-type habitat service systems and standards.
- The public works to understand and share a set of common standards for community operation at the societal scale.
Project Auravana is organized into (a set of contribution-based services):
- Coordinators – coordinate standards development, adoption, and usage.
- Working groups – develop standards and solutions.
- Habitat teams – operate socio-technical habitat service systems.
- Transition teams – develop and execute the transition to community standards and habitats.
Society is a single closed-loop of two threads: a material (habitat) system and an informational (standards) system. Therein, through the standards, organizations will adopt new values, objectives, rules, policies, behaviors, etc. And, through new habitats (cities, etc.) the socio-technical environment will adopt new community-type material configurations, socio-technologies, and working organizations.
We have a new society to create
It is possible to raise the standards of the world to those of community at the global societal scale. Together, we will raise the world’s standards to community. Project Auravana is evolving to meet the needs of humans in community, serving as a globally open, problem-solving and contribution coordination platform. Here, greater market, State, and public reach can increase adoption and further transition to community. Through standards for community it is possible for the market, the State, and the public to shape and improve society. And, what happens now can change everything.
Through the Auravana Community Standards we can contribute to making the optimization of human need fulfillment and ecological restoration a globally possibility. Through community standards, no one is left behind.
standards adoption procedure
- Community arrives through the development and adoption of standards
The adoption of Auravana Standards by Adopting Organizations:
- An Adopting Organization shall access the list of approved and published Auravana standards that are eligible for adoption (“The Standards”).
- An Adopting Organization will assign a liaison to communicate and coordinate with the Auravana Global Projects Coordinator. These two people shall serve as the point of contact for all interactions between the two organizations. The liaison and coordinator will use the GitHub repository to track changes to the standard(s). Staying up-to-date with changing standards is a difficult and time-consuming task. But it is necessary – for compliance (conformity assessment), quality assurance and maintaining fulfillment in society. It is possible to watch repositories [for changes] through GitHub.
- To adopt an Auravana standard, an adopting organization shall notify the Auravana Global Projects Coordinator as soon as the Auravana standard has been approved for final adoption. Publication of the adoption shall occur following the completion of the Auravana Coordinators’ review of the Adopting Organization’s documentation associated with adoption of the standard, in order to validate compliance. The adoption of an Auravana standard shall not be distributed by an adopting organization until Auravana Global Projects Coordinator provides written confirmation of such compliance, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The derivative work created when an Auravana standard is adopted by an adopting organization is a “situational adoption documentation set.”
- The adopting organization should create one or more roles responsible for ensuring compliance with the community standard.
- It is possible to adopt the standard as is, or with situation-specific changes (SSCs); SSCs are subject to review by Auravana coordinators. SSCs are provided to Auravana for review and coordinators will assess how the SSCs impact the application of the standards, and therein, determine the validity of the applied standards in directing and orienting the organization toward a community-type society.
- Verified Adopting Organizations are listed on this webpage, below this adoption procedure. may host an electronic link to the Adopting Organization’s website. The Adopting Organization may host an electronic link to the Auravana website.
- Adopting Organization shall annually send to Auravana Global Projects Coordinator a cumulative list of all Auravana Standards (and/or Articles) it has newly adopted or withdrawn (i.e., ceased adoption or use of). These reports shall be in the written and tabular format, and shall be received by January 31 each year for the prior year’s activities. Adopting Organization shall provide Auravana with digital copies of all adoption documentation.
- If an adoption documentation set is intended to be incorporated by reference into law or regulation, Auravana Global Projects Coordinator shall be notified.
- Auravana Standards, and all derivatives thereof, can be contributed to other organizations for consideration for incorporation into other documents.
Note: Unfortunately, we cannot yet add political parties, due to legal-State issues, but hope to be able to do so in the future.
The work of auravana is supported by organizations around the world
Adoption Organizations
Organization Name | Organization Link | Organization Liaison | Auravana Coordinator Yearly Sign-off & Date |
None yet. | None yet. | None yet. | None yet |
Upcoming INter-Project Conferences
- Advance society to community
Conferences are significant integration points for large-scale adoption of the standards by State and Market organizations.
Date of Conference | Description of Conference | Conference Details |
2023/09/07 | Workshop to introduce several complementary projects and explore potential collaboration opportunities between our respective teams. | For SYMPHONY Taskforce members |