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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) < FAQ Sections > Introduction to the FAQs We ask questions all the time, but rarely do we stop to think about how we’re asking them. One might consider the following insight: All questions are good questions . . . in facilitation of our own [individual] learning. However, […]

FAQ – 4

< FAQ Sections > Table of Contents (for FAQ page 4) The Societal Specification Standard FAQ 1. What is the audience for the standard(s)? Firstly, it is important to define what is meant by the concept, “audience”. Etymologically speaking, the term “audience” originally comes from hearing a play. The dictionary provides some additional context. Audience […]

FAQ – 3

< FAQ Sections > Table of Contents (for FAQ page 3) Disagreement FAQs 1. Are you actually proposing that everyone live this way? We are not telling people what to believe, or even to believe anything. The design specifications are written to help those interested in sustainability and flourishing to look into and unravel a […]

FAQ – 2

< FAQ Sections > Table of Contents (for FAQ page 2) Community-Type Cities FAQs 1. What is the functional purpose for the first city? The purpose for the community’s very existence is detailed in the Social System specification. In brief, it is to facilitate a group of individuals in developing toward their highest potentials in […]

FAQ – 1

< FAQ Sections > Table of Contents Current Political and Artificial Intelligence (AI) FAQs 1. How does the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights align with a community-type society? The response to this question has its own local FAQ webpage, UN Human Rights alignment analysis. 2. How does the United Nations Sustainability Goals align with a community-type […]


Partners For a community-type configuration of society These autonomous organizations have agreed to share a collaborative partnership for a common and better future together. List below is in alphabetical order. CLARIFICATION: This list of partnership organizations is separate from the list of organizations that have adopted the standards for a community-type society. Gaianet.Earth Last Coordinator Meeting:2023-04-03Auravana […]

Auravana Academy

Auravana Academy Join the educational experience of a lifetime. Become an empowered and aware contributor to our common direction where global human fulfillment is achievable. Imagine a vision of society beyond markets and States. Share a higher-potential awareness and let’s demonstrate what is possible. What courses are available? SOCIETAL ENGINEERING WORKSHOP 2 OR 3 DAY […]

Landing in community

Contribute to a better life, for all. The path to community within society is paved by each one of us, and becomes more clear by the day. Imagine what you could do if you had the power to transform society into community. Imagine the impact you could have if you knew the inner workings of […]

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