What are #hashtags?
Hashtags are are category labels that simplify many functions that involve searching, filtering, and assembling.
Learn about the fundamental data structure of a community-type society through a list of hashtags.
- It is possible to describe (and model) a community-type society through a set of #hashtags.
- Each question about the data structure of a project for a community-type society is answered by a set of #hashtags (representing category labels for data packets of understanding).
- This webpage details an organized system of #hashtags to reason and explain the project to create and sustain community at the societal-level.
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Auravana Project #HashTags (for a societal-level COMMUNITY)
What organization was created and engaged?
#Society (what is)
#Auravana (what is created)
#MarketState (what is dis-engaged)
What is the #Auravana proposal plan; what does it do?
What is the #Auravana work plan; what does it do?
What is the #Auravana information standardization plan; what does it do?
What is the #Auravana material habitat production plan; what does it do?
What is the #Auravana standard; what does it do?
What is the purpose of #Auravana?
What is the #MarketState transition; how does it occur?
What are the #Values (social orientations) of a societal-level community?
What are the #SocietalSystem changes that must occur?
#SocietalEngineering (to use when generally speaking of informing intelligent decisions)
#ScientificProjectsCoordination (to use when generally speaking of informing intelligent decisions)
#UnderstandPlanExecute (to use when generally speaking of taking intelligent decisions)
#MarketTransition (to use when generally speaking a reduction in trade)
#StateTransition (to use when generally speaking a reduction in trade)
#PoliticalTransition (to use when generally speaking the economic movement of people and resources into a community configuration of society)
#CommunityPoliticalParty (to use when generally speaking of a political party that is executing policies that move people and resources into a community configuration of society)
#PublicTransition (to use when generally speaking about the transition of the public into community)
#PublicEducation (to use when creating new community-type education-curricular experiences; positive changes in people’s information environment)
#PublicHabitatCreation (to use when engineering new and updated habitat-service experiences)
#PublicHabitatOperation (to use when receiving the experience of access-fulfillment experiences; positive changes in peoples access habits)
What are the #MarketState changes that must occur?
The State has a separation of layers of control of resources and people (composing a #CommonHeritage) called government. The market has a separation of layers of production and people (composing #HabitatAccess). In this way, government is an organization with power over the allocation of economic production and qualitization of social cohesion. Similarly, businesses are an organization for competing with other people. The resources the government controls may be considered the State. Resources that businesses control may be considered capital/corporate. The State may facilitate transition of resources and people into a community-type configuration. Capital (markets) may transition their neighborhoods into a network of habitat service system productions. The #MarketState transitions from an organization that coerces production and trades for access to an organization of scientific thinkers and systems that optimize plans for global human need fulfillment, given our #CommonHeritage and our #HabitatAccess.
#StateGrantTransition (when what is being transitioned to is token giving to facilitate movement of resources and people into a community configuration)
#StateSubsidiesTransition (when what is being referred to is government control through decisioning about tokens/money (subsidsidization of an industry occurs in a number of ways: through direct funding, loans, tax breaks or credits, the elimination of fees or penalties, etc.)
#StateAccountingTransition (when what is being transitioned to is token-free economic calculation)
#MarketEmployerTransition (when what is being transitioned to is integrated coordination access)
#MarketEmployeeTrantsition (when what is being transitioned to is contribution access)
#MarketConsumerTransition (when what is being transitioned to is personal and common access)
What is the #habitat transition that must occur?
#HabitatIntegration (when there is movement of resources and people into a community network of habitats)
#UnifiedHabitatNetwork (when there is the iterative master statistical service planning of a global habitat network)
#TotalHabitatSystem (a.k.a., #IntegratedHabitatSystem; when there is the iterative master planning of a local habitat)
#IntegratedHabitatServices (when there is an integration of the habitats’ functional service systems)
#IntegratedLightProduction (when there is integrated production within the boundary of a habitat)
#IntegratedHeavyProduction (when there is integrated production outside the boundary of a habitat)
What is the #technological transition that must occur?
#AIAssistantCoordination (when users have more freedom, “time”, because of efficient coordination)
#ProceduralDecisionSoftware (when users have more freedom, “time”, because of efficient algorithmic decisioning)
#CalculatedGlobalHabitatOperations (when users have more freedom, “time”, because of global resource to need fulfillment allocation)
#GlobalComputationalResourceAllocationOptimization (when users have more fulfillment, because of global optimization table planning of a global network of habitats)
#TotalHabitatDesignServices (when the services for design operate as one unified intra-structural visualization system)
#IntegratedHabitatServiceOperations (when a plan for a habitat is developed as one unified intra-structural system)
#InterSystemTeamOperations (when work on the system is carried out as contribution with a sense of duty to meet society’s understandable fulfillment-level expectations)
What is the #mindset transition that must occur?
#CommunityAgreement (when there is agreement/alignment about society’s purpose and goals)
#HabitatResidencyAgreement (when there is agreement about socio-technical needs and material resources)
#PersonalAccessDwelling (when there is access to a fungible personal dwelling)
#CommunityEducation (when individuals are learning and developing knowledge and skills)
#CommunityContribution (when individuals are contributing backwards and forwards their knowledge and skill to carry on, operate and improve society)
#CommunityLeisure (when individuals are receiving the benefits of community contribution without trade or coercion)
What is the #social transition that must occur?
#SocietalSocialNavigation (when there is discussion of the social navigational system of society)
#PurposeAgreement (a.k.a., #SocietalDirection; when there is agreement/alignment about society’s purpose and goals)
#ValuesAgreement (a.k.a., #SocietalDirection; when there is agreement about objectives of society)
#ApproachAgreement (a.k.a., #SocietalMethod; when there is agreement about methods)
#Data (where there is a recorded observance)
#Knowledge (where there is sufficient recorded and integrated observances to understand)
What #data must be collected and accounted for to provide an optimal state of human need fulfillment?
#HumanNeedIdentification (when what is transpiring is an event where human need is collected and recognized as an issue for socio-technical fulfillment)
#HumanNeedFulfillment (when what is transpiring is an event where humans are giving feedback as to whether a need was recognized and met)
#HumanPreferenceFulfillment (when what is transpiring is an event where humans are giving their preferences for contribution, for need categories, and for habitat aesthetics)
#HabitatServiceProduction (when what is transpiring is the contributed habitat operation of life, technology, and exploratory service support)
#HabitatResourceAccounting (when the resources available in the habitat for human fulfillment are accounted for continuously, simultaneously)
#ContributionServiceAccounting (when all intentional contributions as intrinsically motivated are accounted for continuously, simultaneously)
What must be done to create an optimal state of #flow for the population, given what is known and available?
#FlowStruggle (when what is transpiring is an event in the struggle phase of the flow cycle)
#FlowRelax (when what is transpiring is an event in the release/relax phase of the flow cycle)
#FlowExperience (when what is transpiring is an event in the flow phase of the flow cycle)
#FlowRecovery (when what is transpiring is an event in the recovery phase of the flow cycle)