Contribute to a better life, for all.

The future is our togetherness in love, learning, work, and leisure.
Together, we can galvanize action to create fundamental system change toward community. Invest in your flourishing among community.
Conscious co-creation
Everything we need to flourish together.
We can remove the personal tension in how we work and live today. We know the inputs and outputs, and there was once a black box separating us from our fulfillment. This black box, which was once so impenetrable, is now made clear for all of us. Socio-technical standards representative of community form the basis form which we inter-operate and share all that humanity has to offer. Through agreement and the accumulation of scientific knowledge we shall advance into the next century with situational awareness and great compassion.

Education allows for optimization throughout all other phases of our life. Through knowledge acquisition and skills development we become capable of effectively contributing, and ultimately, thriving together.

Community provides the structure for optimizing individuals’ passions for contribution. Through efficient coordination and organizational operations the internal drive to facilitate human flourishing is fostered and supported.

Live well
Life beyond money, States, and economic class division.
Membership in community at the societal scale provides meaningful access to customized habitats where individuals have the opportunities live their best lives with others who are doing similarly. Life freely among a network of habitats with a community network where social justice for all and technical efficiency create an abundance of opportunities for growth, contribution, and exploration. Access all that humanity has to offer without trade or coercion. Together we can arrange society based on human flourishing and supported by scientific certainty and safe engineering.

We build the habitat network together, and together it builds our resilience
As we weave a new configuration of society, so society weaves a new configuration of humanity. The problems so ubiquitous in the early 21 century have solutions that become clear and simply obvious when imagine and agree together to encode a better vision of our world.
Flow together
Experience more flow in your life and in the lives of others.
Live among others who are applying cutting edge research to experience more flow in their lives. Live with others who are breaking through their deepest inner blocks and expanding into a reality of evolved human potential where self growth and societal success happens effortlessly throughout all areas of life.
Let’s share our knowledge and resources, and co-create a more equal, peaceful, and flourishing world
The three greatest threats to the environment and human flourishing are war, ignorance, and poverty. We are part of the number one most influential movement in the world unleash our potential for community living. The future we all dream of is available now, embodied by documentation, visualization, simulation, and direct human experience. We now have the foundation for community-based lifestyles customized to your highest desires in life

Access the habitat network
Our community model provides members with shared access to a network of habitats in which life fulfilling service are planned with human needs in mind. Why own a home and private property when you can have common and personal access among community.
Benefit from community living
Live in a civilization that prioritizes cooperation and optimized access to societal services over market competition and State enforcement of property. The benefits of community become available to all through intelligent organization and disciplined contribution.
Demonstrate global co-operation

Many configurations of the built environment, customized to meet your family’s needs and preferences.
Experience connection and coherence, where your family can flourish to its highest potential.
Community standards
Our socio-technical society is founded upon the intellectual work and accumulated efforts of humanity over the centuries. A model of the real world organizes and coordinates our information, which habitat teams apply their knowledge, skills, and our common heritage resource for the benefit of all.
A network of habitats
Structured community access to common heritage resources is possible when production becomes directed toward human need fulfillment in the context of a shared fulfillment network. Habitat services meet ecological services to produce human fulfillment services.
A unified standard for global co-operation
Project Auravana

Amplify the best of humanity, while reducing the worst
Project Auravana is here to facilitate a global transformation to community at the societal scale. Discover how to amplify human intelligence, love, and well-being, while reducing conflict and scarcity. The combustible mixture of ignorance and power-over-others can be transformed with ease and enjoyment.
Build community with us
Where knowledge and skill meet constructive action.